Monday, July 27, 2009

Sleeping Ritual III - Popo's house

Usually, every Wednesday or anytime that requires us to stay overnight at Mum's place. Both of us will sleep in Ah Bond's room.

As usual, Ms Claire will be up to her usual stunts for sleeping. Last nite, she demanded that I open the door (closed coz sleeping in air-conditioned room). Then i opened the door, the moment she saw all was DARK outside the room. She immediately closed the door!

Then, she took her cloth diaper and demanded that I put it on for Elmo. She was chuckling with glee whenever she saw Elmo putting on the diaper! Anyway, she finds it hilarious when i put it on her beloved cat too!

After i switched off the lights to sleep, she stood on my mattress and shouted the below statements:

1. "安,起来!" => The statement, i called PK to wake up every morning!
2. "阿欣!" => In Cantonese, that's my name that Mum called me
3. "妈妈,骂骂" => In Cantonese, the statement I used on her when she refused to sleep!

I couldn't contain my laughter when i heard her shouting that. She also laughed with me, in the end I "threatened" to smell her nose if she refused to sleep (Dunno y her left nostril smell and I cant see any stuff in it but her nose seemed to be blocked.) She doesn't like me to do this and went back to her sleeping position.

Anyway, I fell asleep before she does and when i woke up later, she was in the "大" sleeping position already and threatening to fall onto my mattress. I shifted her back, covered her with a blanket and went back to my sleep.

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