Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Random Thoughts

This is the 1st week where we implemented the "Ferry the baby" scheme. It used to be Piglet and me staying at my parents' place during the week, going back to my place over the weekend. Now it is "ferry the baby" to and fro except for Wednesday. Wednesday is basketball day for Pirate King and I will just stay over at my parents' place.

So far, its tiring as we had not gotten used to it yet. Eventually, we will get used to it and as Piglet grows older, it will be easier for us too! The only problem now is entertaining Piglet on the train and ensuring that her presence is not felt in the train!

At work, there are no news on the new buyer of my company. The thought of leaving is getting stronger and stronger by the day. My ex colleague, WT referred me to his new co and I had sent in my CV, just to wait for the news. Nevertheless, i hope to find my ideal job soon.

For myself, I harbour the thought of owning a pair of 0.5 carats diamond studs. I told myself to save up $$$ for it. Pirate King felt that I m being greedy but i told him, all my diamonds will be given to Piglet or no 2 (if no 2 is a gal). Then, being the ever doting Father, he told me to work towards saving $$$ for the studs! That's Pirate King!

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