Friday, November 13, 2009


For the past few days, my colleague has been interviewing potential candidates for the position of the Financial Accountant.

Quite a no of colleagues came up to me and asked me this question,"Your dept hiring ah? I tot headcount freeze = hiring freeze?"

One of them's reaction is even more agitated. He even cited that in HIP (Co's intranet) explicitly stated about the headcount freeze and stuff. Guess he is fed up but who isn't?

In one dept, they hired a foreign import from UK to do a normal executive work. The amount of $$ spent on getting this foreign import is more than hiring a local one.

Another dept, a colleague requested for 4 months unpaid leave to upgrade himself for a Captain course. His boss reply, "4 months of unpaid leave? Might as well resign." The boss' reasoning is that there is a shortage of manpower thus he can't grant him the unpaid leave. Well, alot of us saw this dept's colleagues playing online games & stuff.... Shortage of manpower? Hmm, my colleague resigned and will go for his course soon.

See, all these just made the management looked like clowns. I wonder what other funny stuff they will come up with...

PS: Dept requested for lunch duty to be voided but SS refusing & cite alot of reasons. Me expected that!

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