Monday, September 7, 2009

钟无艳 2009

Mum called me this afternoon and told me that Ms Piggy has became 钟无艳.

Apparently, Claire climbed on top of her toy box (Mum placed it on her side table) and lost her balance. She fell and in the process, her cheek knocked against the sofa arms (thus the bruise). The moment I heard about it, I asked Mum whether Claire cried. As crying is usually an indicator that they re alright 90% of the times.

Mum said Claire is ok as she was behaving normally after the fall and that she cried even harder when Mum said she is not pretty anymore! I set my heart at peace when i heard that. Anyway, I cant help but laughed at seeing her bruise when i fetched her home just now.
Below is a picture of her taken just now, she was pissed off when we attempted to rub the hard boiled egg on her bruise!