Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Basketball wounds will continue...

PK gave me the shock of my life on Wednesday. Wednesday is his basketball nite, a night of freedom where he can play basketball, have dinner with his basketball kakis and a night of freedom (Ms. Piggy & I usually stay overnight at Mum's place every Wednesday except during my month end closing or any special occassions!)

On Wednesday, I went home with Ms. Piggy as for the past few weeks I had been camping at Bedok during the week days. I called him at 9.30pm to check on his whereabouts while on my way home. He told me that he was on his way home as he "errm" me. My radar was up and my only thought was he must want to continue chit chatting with his friends.

When I reached home and finished showering Ms. Piggy, PK still had not came back. So I called him twice and twice, he cut my line off! I was furious! While making milk for Ms. Piggy, he called home and I asked him where exactly he is.... He told me that he is at the A&E in Mt. Elizabeth hospital! This totally threw me off and I "scolded" him for not telling me the truth!

Apparently, he was hurt during the basketball game and the wound (near to his left eyebrow) required stitches that the GP was unable to do it for him. Thus he was referred to A&E in Mt. Elizabeth hospital. This is not the first time he got hurt during his basketball games!

And he still has the cheek to tell me that since he is an old bird at getting hurt. Ice is always the best to stop bleeding and bruises!!! The moment he made this statement, I warned him that NO BASKETBALL GAMES till his stitches are removed and the wound completely recovered. He protested by whining.... but the wife wins for the time being!

Anyway, I think if PK is uncautious, he will continue to get hurt during his basketball nights. I really dunno what to say..... :(

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