Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2009 Year End Review/Reflections

As year 2009 is coming to an end in 8 days time, its the time of the year where i will be doing a review or reflections of what I had done in the year.

Well, i must say... Looking back, its as if nothing much has happened but there are alot of changes in my life.

1. Family
My parents' problem has finally came to a pinnacle and full blown in everyone's faces. Well, it affected us (my siblings & me) but I had taken this approach, just let them be and do my part as what a child got to do.

On the in laws, its a tough battle. I have to learn how to accept them for what they are and at the same time, drop my prejudices against them too.

2. PK & Me
Like any couples, we have our fair share of ups & downs. Both of us are working together to build a stronger marriage even though we have this difference on rearing Ms. Piggy!

3. Piglet
This little gal is one tough cookie and its a challenge in raising and teaching her. She is real stubborn and a smart one. She knows which buttons of the adults to push in order to get her demands met. As much as she tries my patience and push my boundries, seeing her cheeky smile will melt my heart and throw all my worries and troubles away!

4. Myself
I must say, there has been a lot of toxic and negative elements inside me. I am resentful of alot of things and envious of others. And i always asked myself this question, "What's wrong with myself?" I thank God that help was given to me in many ways that I dun realised it. I won't say that those toxic & negative elements are 100% gone but I m getting them out of my system slowly.

Now, I just gotta tell myself not to take things too seriously and not to be too hard on myself. Humans are not perfect and I should be able to accept that of myself. :)

5. Work
Work is stagnant and instinctly, I know I had to get out of it. But i did not as I had made a lot of excuses for unable to leave, like 2 months notice, fear of a new work environment, difficulty in finding a job, being "chopped" in terms of pay negotiation in the new job etc etc... The more I had all these excuses, the harder it is to leave and not to mention, resentful emotions start to accumulate! So, I had given myself a timeline for my current work situation. This will buy me some time and enable me to plan my next move!

Finally, 2009 is really an interesting year for me and my only wish is that 2010 will be an even better year! :)

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