Thursday, June 25, 2009

A load off my mind....

I was feeling unwell and alot of thoughts came to my mind.

The first immediate thought is to run away from all these issues and thoughts that I m facing. But heaven has been kind to me, it arranges meet ups with my friends and ex colleagues. Through this meet ups, I have a better grasp of what I need to do.

First, work is not the most important thing in my life. Nothing is more important than my family. If I m unhappy in my work and doing things to sabotage my job, its time for me to move on and think of alternatives.

To have or not to have a second child, dun think too much about it. When the time comes, I will know whether I m destined to have more than 1 child.

Dun let people get to me, their words & actions might affect me but ultimately I can choose to ignore their words and actions. I dun have to follow the crowd, I just gotta do what I think is appropriate and answerable to myself. Ie, I m NOT MS PERFECT, I dun have to GIVE IN to everyone or PLEASE anyone.

I have to learn how to distance myself away from my Mum. As much as I love her, I need to learn to live my own life and let her know that I can't live my life the way she wants me to. That is the distance or rather the personal space away from my Mum.

I m in debt, I overspent in order to make myself feel good. But the result is clear, I need to work in order to earn $$ to pay them and at the same time, fill up my piggy bank. Thank god, I m indebted to my closed one, if not for sure, the banks will come hounding me for payment.

All in all, I just need to tackle the issues one at a time and not to think too much about things that might or might not happen. I felt so much better now!

Okie, for now I need to clear my work before my butt gets burnt... I had been unproductive for 3.5 days.... I should not waste time. Just gotta clear work!

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