Friday, June 27, 2008

Midnight Bump!

My poor gal has this bump on her forehead and hopefully, it will go away fast!

This morning around 1am, Claire was howling. I immediately went to the room and checked on her. She was crying in her crawling position and in the dim bedroom light, i could not make out anything.

So Pirate King switched on the main light and we saw this big bump on her forehead and it was already blue black. I carried her and tried to soothe her but her cries still continued. Pirate King put the pacifier in her mouth and her cries kinda stopped but she continued on and off.

Using the age old remedy, I fed Claire warm water. While she was drinking, Pirate King and I were discussing how she managed to knock her head. Claire was listening to our conversation until Pirate King said this, "She must have crawled forward and onto the floor. Then, she must have slipped and knocked her head on the floor. Aiya, Claire why did you crawl instead of sleeping?"

The moment he said that, Claire gave him a look and turn her face away from him. The look was one of those, "I m already hurt and its so painful. Why do you still rub salt onto my wound?"

I really ached for her when I saw that bump on her forehead. I just wish i was the one who got it, not her! Is that the typical sentiment of a Mother?

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