Thursday, February 21, 2008

Who is going to take care of this little brat?

Well, as mentioned in the earlier post about hiring a maid to assist Mum in looking after Claire. This plan has been dropped as Mum is uncomfortable about having another person in the household even though the temporary maid is pretty good in doing her tasks.

Now, the headache is here again. Who is going to take care of Claire? Claire has became a cheeky rascal. She can wail till her throat is sore in order to get our attention!

Here are my alternatives:
1. Find a nanny
2. Put her into the infant care centre

Mum admitted to me that even though she can't bear to leave Claire in the hands of another nanny or at the infant care centre but she has no choice. So, Mum has managed to find an alternative solution, let Claire be taken care by our neighbour in the afternoon. This way, Mum won't be so stressed up on cooking dinner for us.

I did tell Mum that when everything fails. I will put Claire in the infant care centre near to Pirate King's work place.

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