Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Eczema Part 6 - KKH Visit

On Monday, 7th April 2008, Pirate King & my Mum brought Claire to KKH for her scheduled appointment to see a specialist on her eczema.

As usual, no matter how early you reached the hospital before your scheduled appointment time, you still have to wait like crazy in order to see the SO CALLED specialist at all government hospitals!

1st blooper of the day, the nurse requested Claire to be put on the weighing machine to record her weight. Guess what, the weighing machine and the measuring machine is very close to each other. And the measuring machine still has a newborn there, the moment Mum put Claire on to the weighing machine, Claire started to do her fave stunt - Kicking!

Guess Claire almost kicked the head of the newborn and the parents of the newborn was shooting eyes daggers at Mum! Anyway, its not Mum's fault. Another nurse immediately moved the measuring machine further away from the weighing machine!

2nd blooper of the day, the PD aka the SPECIALIST referred Claire to another SPECIALIST (paediatric dermatologist) in KKH for her eczema and the appointment date is scheduled on 4th July 2008. I was like WTF! By then, Claire might have outgrown her eczema already!

3rd blooper of the day, Pirate King forgotten to tell that SPECIALIST that Claire's eczema flared up even more when Claire is being fed soy formula (on the topic of changing milk powder).

When it comes to children, Men are usually careless on them. Sigh, the next appointment i can't even make it! Hopefully, i manage to find a new job and i m able to bring Claire there!

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