Saturday, January 19, 2008


Claire went for her 1st 5-in-1 jab on Thursday and she was down with fever yesterday.

Thank god, the fever subsided this morning! Boy, she was real cranky yesterday. She cried, refused to sleep and we had to rock her bouncer so that she could sleep. Her sleep wasn't that fantastic either, she will doze off for a while and be awake again. This cycle goes on and on.

Added to that, I had to attend my company D&D yesterday. This made me real worried about her during my time at the D&D.

Something to lament about! I bought Claire to the polyclinic for her jabs and she needs to be examined by a doctor before her jab. As she still has the blocked nose, so I double check with the doctor whether Claire is ok to go for the jab. Guess what that doctor asked me, "How do you know she has blocked nose? Since babies can't talk, they can only cry!" I was like, "WTF" inside my heart. The way this doctor examined Claire is as if treating Claire like a toy, so rough etc!

And as usual, Claire was crying like nobody's business during that dumbo doctor's examination! Even though, polyclinic's fees are like 10 times cheaper than at the pediatrician's clinic. Still, that can't explain the doctor's lack of care! When i complaint to my Mum about it, she told me that I m being too picky!

Seriously, I might consider going to Dr Chan's clinic for all Claire's jabs despite the cost after this experience!

PS: Claire never wailed as loud when she was at Dr Chan's clinic when we bought her for the Rotavirus & Prevenar jabs as compared at the Polyclinic for her Hep B & 5-in-1 jabs!

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